Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hi everyone, I'm 6 and a bit months old!!
And I'd just like to say
that if I'm not the cutest baby in the world
I'll eat my shampoo hat
'Cos I've got

Eating my hat, 26 March 2009

Nooo... We are not amused.

Daddy is so smart...

I LOVE this book!!!

YUM!! Book learnin' with Dad!

A bath in a bath.
Bath time. Again.

Hanging out with Peppie and eating Dora the Explorer
Not now mum. Align Center
- I'm playing pin-ball.
Banana. Been there, done that.
I love broccolli, sweet potato, apple, pear, rhubarb and rice cereal... All together :-)

Catching up on the latest goss down at Kenmore with Mr Oto Ceslis.

'He started it!'
'Did not!'
'Did too!'
'Mummy's Boy!'
'Takes one to know one!'
Good pals! - Oskar and Oto

A sensible hairstyle for coffee and a chat with Dad at Kenmore

8.5 kgs : Oskar's last time facing backwards in the car seat! Hooray! March 2009
Smiling in his sleep! (below)

Getting out and about - an opening at the gallery with mummy and Cate

Sharing a beautifully lit Autumn breakfast with Daddy
Handsome devils everywhere!!

Oskie plans to land the covetted role of The Virgin Mary in the school play...
and is not wasting any time. Dress rehearsal.

Oskie sporting the latest in fashion: the reverse mullet.
Party at the front, business at the back.

More dramatic bathtime shots

Hanging out in the Yellow Submarine

1 comment:

Mook said...

Oh, yeah. That baby is CUTE!